Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell is an appellate body to hear and decide on the matters related to academic, discipline, curricular and co-curricular activities. The Grievance Redressal Forum attempts to address genuine problems and complaints of students what ever the nature of the problem.

Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.

Office Bearers

Dr M B Hamza

Phone Number: 8281 649 028

Jabimol C Maitheen

Vice Principal
Phone Number: 9645 902 707

Sindhukumari C C

Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9446 426 562

Shemeena T M

Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9961 969 518

Alex Babu

Student Representative
Phone Number: 6238 420 522

Education is in Our Blood

With 19 years of experience in the Education field, Al-Azhar strives to impart knowledge that is necessary for the success of each of our young students. With 42 programs under our belt, we are able to give our students something exceptional. Exposure to a world of Education where anything can be possible.

ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution

Affiliated to National Council for Teacher Education

Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University